Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Hard to believe it but May is upon us!
I want to let you know about a great upcoming event on May 5th (Cinco de Mayo!) for people new to dancing in San Diego and regulars alike. I host a night on the 1st Thursday of each month at Cafe Sevilla where the idea is to get to know the people you are dancing with early in the night without the loud music and commotion. The meet and greet runs from the time the club opens through the free dance lesson that is provided and typically begins around 8pm.
Here is some more information on the event if you want to learn more and RSVP (click here).
Hope to see you all at Cafe Sevilla this upcoming May 5th!
John ;-)
Ritmo Bello on Facebook |Help Support San Diego Dancing!

1st Thursdays of the Month with is coming up November 1st and this month a thanksgiving theme by thanking a friend through inviting them out to salsa dance.
The event is open to everyone so feel free to come alone or bring any friends. In the past new members of our group have found this particular event a great way to mingle and connect with interested dancers.
We’ll meet downstairs at 8pm in the area of the club that will be reserved for our group. Look for the signs. Walter Meneses and his wife Jeannette will give a free salsa lesson starting at 9pm. As an added bonus the General Manager for Cafe Sevilla is donating free passes for entry into Cafe Sevilla’s club that will be given away in a raffle to those who come early for the salsa dance lesson.
For full details and to RSVP please check out the special event page here on the San Diego Salsa and Latin Dancing Meetup group. If you have additional questions feel free to contact me on Twitter @RitmoBello.
See you Thursday November 1 at Cafe Sevilla!
John ;-)
Ritmo Bello on Facebook | RitmoBello on Google+
Sunday, September 16, 2012

San Diego has seen some movement in the salsa club scene as of late with some closures and management changes. With the closure of salsa Tuesdays at the Keating Hotel, a new opportunity for great salsa is starting this Tuesday September 18th in the Gaslamp Quarter. The new club, presented by Rumba Entertainment, will launch at the Onxy Room located on Fifth Avenue. The club has a good reputation as a regular club so it will be interesting to see how it fares as a salsa dance venue.
For more information and to RSVP for the Grand Opening party check out the event page on the San Diego Salsa and Latin Dancing Meetup Group.
See you all Tuesday at the Grand Opening of Noche Latina Onyx Room!
John ;-)
Ritmo Bello on Facebook | RitmoBello on Google+

When people mention Cafe Sevilla to me the question today is always, “When will Cafe Sevilla Re-open?!” Well, San Diego salsa dancers your 8 months or so of waiting is coming to an end. Cafe Sevilla is re-opening in its new 5th Avenue location with a whopping 10,000 square feet restaurant and club this month. The former location was only 7,000 square feet back on 4th Avenue and Spanish-born owners Rogelio and Janet Huidobro have invested $2.7 million in making sure that the new location meets every salsa dancers’ expectations.
Some of the major changes will include a larger tapas bar when compared to the old location and an underground nightclub that will accommodate 330 people. We are talking capacity for 90 additional salsa dancers compared to Cafe Sevilla’s old digs.
My hope with the new location is that it meets the needs of San Diego’s salsa dancers and that they bring quality, LIVE entertainment that San Diego sorely needs in a venue.
Cafe Sevilla’s Grand Opening Party & Fundraiser to benefit the It’s All About the Kids Foundation is scheduled for June 29th but the real salsa dancing will begin on a regular schedule on Thursdays each week. I’m already working on getting the first Thursday of each month designated as night and I will get details to you all soon about it.
See you sometime in June at the new 5th Avenue Cafe Sevilla!
John ;-)

1st Wednesday’s of the Month with at Café Sevilla is coming up August 5th and with it another great opportunity to connect with local San Diego dancers.

Last month our group started meeting earlier to share Tapas starting at 7pm and we will again be doing so downstairs at Café Sevilla. The venue is known for its great Spanish Cuisine and as we saw last month sharing this simple meal is a great way to meet other people. The pictures here show some of the folks that came for the Tapas portion of the event and I posted their reactions here so you could get a sense of how they enjoyed the night.

Of course the main focus of the night is salsa dancing and for those arriving before 8:30pm you can take advantage of the free lesson offered by Valerie at the club. If you don’t take the salsa lesson you are invited to join us in our special VIP area of the club set up for members. Look for the Meetup signs (see the picture below) to find us.

The event is open to everyone!
Bring your friends and come at 7pm. Since we gets lots of people that attend these events we ask for a RSVP ahead of time. To do so please access the RSVP page here and you will find all the information you need to find our group that night.

Thanks and hope to meet you at our 1st Wednesday of the Month event at Café Sevilla!