Back by popular demand, Café Sevilla is planning one last yacht party for 2009.
For those of you that attended the last few yacht parties you know that this will be a great event that should not be missed. This time around Café Sevilla is providing a more intimate experience with a different twist.
Join Cafe Sevilla and Ritmo Bello along with 450 guests as we celebrate along on the waters of the Pacific.

The Adventure Yacht is an intimate boat that holds only 450 guests. You will be able to enjoy breathtaking views of the San Diego bay by night.
Some other highlights of the night will include:
* 2 Floors of music (Live Salsa Band & Hip Hop )
* Professional Photography
* An Outdoor deck to enjoy the California Ocean
* Complimentary Tapas (These were really good last time!)
* 2 fully-stocked bars
* Official After-party at Sevilla nightclub
The San Diego Salsa and Latin Dancing Meetup Group along with Ritmo Bello will be there to enjoy the evening with you. For more information about the event and to RSVP please visit the Café Sevilla Boat Party Page.

See you on the Café Sevilla yacht and message me via Twitter at @RitmoBello!

1st Wednesday’s of the Month with Meetup.com at Café Sevilla is coming up August 5th and with it another great opportunity to connect with local San Diego dancers.

Last month our group started meeting earlier to share Tapas starting at 7pm and we will again be doing so downstairs at Café Sevilla. The venue is known for its great Spanish Cuisine and as we saw last month sharing this simple meal is a great way to meet other people. The pictures here show some of the folks that came for the Tapas portion of the event and I posted their reactions here so you could get a sense of how they enjoyed the night.

Of course the main focus of the night is salsa dancing and for those arriving before 8:30pm you can take advantage of the free lesson offered by Valerie at the club. If you don’t take the salsa lesson you are invited to join us in our special VIP area of the club set up for Meetup.com members. Look for the Meetup signs (see the picture below) to find us.

The event is open to everyone!
Bring your friends and come at 7pm. Since we gets lots of people that attend these events we ask for a RSVP ahead of time. To do so please access the RSVP page here and you will find all the information you need to find our group that night.

Thanks and hope to meet you at our 1st Wednesday of the Month event at Café Sevilla!

Believe it or not July is fast approaching and with it comes another First Wednesday of the Month with Meetup.com event! The San Diego Salsa and Latin Dancing Meetup Group is doing something a little different this time and we will be meeting earlier in the night (7pm) to share some Spanish tapas. Cafe Sevilla is well known for it’s great Spanish Cuisine (check out this review of the food) and the sharing of tapas between our group members will help encourage great conversation so you can meet your fellow dancers. After sharing tapas we’ll already be in the club area downstairs so you can either take the free lesson at 8:30pm or go to the VIP area that is set aside for Meetup.com members.
The event is open really to anyone interested in Spanish food and salsa dancing but I’d encourage you to RSVP ahead of time as we tend to get lots of people who attend the First Wednesday of the Month events at Cafe Sevilla. You can access the RSVP page here.
Hope to see you all at the upcoming First Wednesday of the Month on July 1st!