That’s the question that crossed my mind when I recently heard about The San Diego Tango Festival coming here in January. (The picture of the two killer whales tango dancing is the logo for the festival). Although tango and salsa dancing are intrinsically different in a number of ways, the idea of having a festival here serves the same local interests.
First, as we saw in the San Diego Salsa Festival here recently these events help promote the dance in a way that is different from your everyday exposure to the dance. This is so because these events help foster intense immersion into each dance in a way that is not possible unless you live, breathe, and work in the dance world. With tons of workshops and classes to be a part of, salsa and tango festivals are great ways to jump into the dance.
Secondly, these festivals are great for San Diego in that they bring great exposure to our local dance scene. With the recent San Diego Salsa Festival, people from all over the world traveled to participate in the event and helped to bring more visibility to our growing salsa dance community. Although I have yet to attend the San Diego Tango Festival, I imagine that it will work in a similar way to bring great exposure to the tango dancing that San Diego has to offer.
I’ll write more about this event as it approaches. In the meantime, I invite any readers out there familiar with the event to post comments or contact me with more information. For now, I leave you with a video taken from the 2007 San Diego Tango Festival. Enjoy!