When people mention Cafe Sevilla to me the question today is always, “When will Cafe Sevilla Re-open?!” Â Well, San Diego salsa dancers your 8 months or so of waiting is coming to an end. Â Cafe Sevilla is re-opening in its new 5th Avenue location with a whopping 10,000 square feet restaurant and club this month. Â The former location was only 7,000 square feet back on 4th Avenue and Spanish-born owners Rogelio and Janet Huidobro have invested $2.7 million in making sure that the new location meets every salsa dancers’ expectations.
Some of the major changes will include a  larger tapas bar when compared to the old location and an underground nightclub that will accommodate 330 people. We are talking capacity for 90 additional salsa dancers compared to Cafe Sevilla’s old digs.
My hope with the new location is that it meets the needs of San Diego’s salsa dancers and that they bring quality, LIVE entertainment that San Diego sorely needs in a venue.
Cafe Sevilla’s Grand Opening Party & Fundraiser to benefit the It’s All About the Kids Foundation is scheduled  for June 29th but the real salsa dancing  will begin on a regular schedule on Thursdays each week.  I’m already working on getting the first Thursday of each month designated as Meetup.com night and I will get details to you all soon about it.
See you sometime in June at the new 5th Avenue Cafe Sevilla!
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