1st Thursdays of the Month with Meetup.com on February 2nd is coming fast and this edition will have a St. Valentine Day theme.  Come dressed in red in honor of the holiday wearing any article of red that you have (red shirt, skirts, shoes, whatever you have) and be ready to meet and greet new members who love salsa dancing as much as you do.
The event is open to everyone so feel free to come alone or bring any friends. We’ll meet downstairs at 8pm in the Meetup.com area of the club that will be reserved for our group. Look for the Meetup.com signs. Valerie will give a free salsa lesson starting at 8:30pm.
For full details and to RSVP please check out the special event page here on the San Diego Salsa and Latin Dancing Meetup group. If you have additional questions feel free to contact me on Twitter @RitmoBello.
See you dressed in red for 1st Thursday’s of the Month with Meetup.com
Ritmo Bello on Facebook | RitmoBello on Google+
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